
10Plan.com is the product of over 2 years of focused effort studying many books and articles on our country's Founders, the Constitution, the Bible, and other subjects related to the those items. Before that period of time, it had only been an occasional interest, spanning the previous decade.

The owner of the site, Thad A. Conrad, is a Veteran of Desert Storm, has a background in Information Technology (IT) and is a divorced single Dad. He served in the Military (Navy Reserves) for 10 years — graduating with Honors and Distinction from the Naval School of Health Sciences. He is also active member of his Church and was a Missionary for 2 years for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints; having served in the Philippines.

There may be those that would hesitate to support this cause, because of the religion mentioned above. Perhaps those of you having those sentiments could learn a thing or two from Joel Osteen about not limiting God with who he chooses. Before you decide against supporting this cause, I would suggest you take a look at one of the sermons where Joel addresses this subject. To watch this, click here to view the sermon.

Thad's personal blog is http://DonkeyPlan.WordPress.com. You might consider taking a look. You might learn some things about the Bible you were never aware of.


Some tools and links to help you with learning more about our founding fathers and the constitution

  • News You Can Trust
    A news organization based on principles
  • Tweets from Others
    Keep up with the latest tweets and news from others.
  • Start Here
    Already familiar with constitutional principles? This will go over the reasoning behind the site.