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Redistribution of Wealth

“Thou shalt not steal.”

Exodus 20:15

Every country, government, or society that has engaged in the redistribution of wealth has not prospered over time. I might add that going into massive amounts of debt is not prospering. I challenge you to go and evaluate the evidence. The fruits of this path after a period of time are bankruptcy, violence, bloody revolutions, unkept promises, and loss of freedom.

“They have no rights to put their hands in my pockets”

George Washington

How did our founding fathers feel about this path? In the book John Adams, A Life, author John Ferling describes the feelings of George Washington with respect to how he felt about the acts of the British Government. He quotes George Washington, "But it was the Townshend Duties — 'They have no rights to put their hands in my pockets,' — he announced — that served as the catalyst for his activism."[1]

Adding to the quote mentioned in the video, "The key was using the government to protect equal rights, not to provide equal things. As previously mentioned, Samuel Adams said the ideas of a welfare state were made unconstitutional:

The utopian schemes of leveling [redistribution of the wealth], and a community of goods [central ownership of all the means of production and distribution], are as visionary and impracticable as those which vest all property in the Crown. [These ideas] are arbitrary, despotic, and, in our government, unconstitutional. (Life of Samuel Adams, William Wells, 1:154)"[2]

Did you know that George Washington was extremely wealthy in his day? He sacrificed greatly for this country and part of the reason he did that was to protect citizens from Government abuses such as taking that which the Government had no right to.

There will be those who cry out that one doesn't care if they do not believe in the redistribution of wealth. Usually those who push that agenda are those that are using it as a means of bribery to gain votes. We all understand that there are those who have real issues; whether those issues are medical, financial, emotional, or mental issues. However, doesn't the bible show how that subject should be dealt with? It speaks of pursuing acts of charity, kindness, love, and of the joy and the blessings that will come to those who will choose that road. Didn't Jesus already teach in the parable of the rich man and the poor man named Lazarus what would happen to those who neglect to help others? Did he not teach in that parable that the rich in hell will lift up their eyes in torment if they choose not to help?[3]

[1]: John Adams, A Life, John Ferling, p. 126, ISBN: 978-0-19-539866-3

[2]: A Miracle That Changed the World, The 5000 Year Leap, W. Cleon Skousen, p. 119, ISBN: 0-88080-148-4, National Center for Constitutional Studies -

[3]: Luke 16:20-31


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